Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Some Groups try to "Eliminate The Truth" Bigfoot!

Ever since Rick Dyer posted his claims about having put down a Bigfoot during the filming of the documentary "Shooting Bigfoot", Hate groups have emerged to try to erase this discovery.

They "pose" as being "Bigfoot" websites, blogs and other "Bigfoot" information pages, but are really just "Hate" sites. Trying everything they can to "erase" this discovery of a lifetime.

Internet hate groups against Rick Dyer

The worst of these groups is:

Traditionally, hate groups recruited members and spread extremist messages by word of mouth, or through the distribution of flyers and pamphlets. In contrast, the Internet allows members from all over the world to engage in real-time conversations. The Internet has been a boon for hate groups in terms of promotion, recruitment and expanding their base to include younger audiences. An Internet hate group does not have to be a part of a traditional faction such as the Ku Klux Klan.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), in its 2009 iReport, identified more than 10,000 problematic hate and terrorist websites and other Internet postings. The report includes hate websites, social networks, blogs, newsgroups, YouTube and other video sites. The findings illustrate that as the Internet continues to grow, extremists find new ways to seek validation for their hateful agendas and to recruit members.

Creators of hate pages and groups on Facebook choose their target, set up their page or group, and then recruit members. Anyone can create a Facebook group and invite followers to post comments, add pictures and participate in discussion boards. A Facebook page is similar, with the exception that one must "like" the page in order to become a member. Because of the ease of creating and joining such groups, many so-called hate groups exist only in cyberspace.

 Psychopathology of hate groups

According to a 2003 FBI Law Enforcement bulletin, a hate group, if unimpeded, passes through seven successive stages. In the first four stages, hate groups vocalize their beliefs and in the last three stages, they act on their beliefs. The report points to a transition period that exists between verbal violence and acting out that violence, separating hardcore haters from rhetorical haters. Thus, hate speech is seen as a prerequisite of hate crimes, and as a condition of their possibility.

Members of this "specific" group have been responsible for various crimes such as: Stalking, destruction of private property and many other acts against Rick Dyer and his family. 

In the US, crimes that "manifest evidence of prejudice directed at the government, an individual, a business, or institution, involving hate groups and hate crimes, may be investigated as acts of domestic terrorism. Including the crimes of murder and non-negligent manslaughter; forcible rape; robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; larceny-theft; motor vehicle theft; arson; simple assault; intimidation; and destruction, damage or vandalism of property".

I hope that the people involved in these "Hate" groups are aware of the consequences should any of their members cross that line. And in the case of Rick Dyer and his family, some already have.

This discovery is first and foremost about the discovery of "Bigfoot" and the proof that will be presented shortly by Rick Dyer.  You can disagree with how, when, why and where this all took place and the reason we find yourself at the place we are all at today. But, crossing that line and involving yourselves with groups that have the potential and advocate crime against Rick Dyer and his family is uncalled for.

We, that stand behind this discovery: Team Tracker and Rick Dyer, ask you to take a stand against such "hate" groups and enjoy this discovery with Rick Dyer and Team Tracker. These type of discoveries don't happen too often in our life times. Life is too short to have "hate" in our lives.

God Bless you all.

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