Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Secrets, Lies and Video Tape

The title of this blog is a little dramatic, but this whole story is full of drama! The World Premiere of "Shooting Bigfoot" debuted at the 2013 Hot Docs festival in Toronto Canada. It was the most anticipated documentary of Bigfoot in history.  But after the show, people were left scratching their heads. Some were upset, some were disappointed, but some were excited with what they saw.

Facebook Find Bigfoot (FBFB) had this to say after someone sent them footage of the movie that shows something very interesting:

Here's another picture of this shot:

This is from one of the last frames in this scene. I've spoken to Michael Andre (Team Tracker member) who was at the Premiere in Toronto and he said that right before Morgan Matthews was knocked over. This creature opened it's mouth impossibly wide. He also said that before this sequence that it was seen walking away before the first shot by Rick Dyer. He said that this could not have been a man in a costume.  I wasn't there, so I'll have to take his word for it.

Christopher Noel blogged a review of the film, here's some of what he had to say:

When it comes to Rick Dyer’s thread, however, something does happen, and suddenly. 

He has located a forested site outside San Antonio where a few homeless people have reported seeing a male Sasquatch near their camps. Dyer attempts to lure the creature with pork ribs hung in a tree, and finally, one night, Matthews’ panicked voice can be heard calling, “Rick! Rick! Rick! Rick!” Dyer bursts out of his tent, rifle in hand, taking off in hot pursuit of whatever Matthews has heard, the director trailing behind, imploring Dyer not to shoot.

We catch two compelling glimpses of a Sasquatch-shaped figure walking away, and then we hear four gunshots, Matthews left whimpering alone in the dark. Next, the filmmaker is rushed and violently upended by someone or something whose face is momentarily visible on screen. The question is, of course, who or what attacked the filmmaker, sending him to the hospital?

Morgan Matthews gave a interview after the Premiere.

Why would Morgan Matthews say that something very compelling and extreme happens at the end of the film which may or may not have been a "close encounter"? What does that mean? Why not just say "OK! There's a fucking Bigfoot in my documentary!" When he's asked if "Bigfoot" exist, he pauses and says "It's a difficult question". Why would that be a difficult question? He then says "Do you believe he exists?" She says "No!" Morgan then says "That's a shame, I think the world is better place if we believe Bigfoot is out there."

What's with all the coded language? Is Morgan just trying to save what happens in the film so people will just go out and see it? Of course he is.

There is more to this story than is being told. Listen closely to this Q & A with Morgan Matthews after the Documentary. The audio is really hard to hear, so turn it up to 11 and listen closely to what Morgan says.

Did you catch what Morgan Matthews says when he's asked "How do those narratives end?" The person asking the question is talking about Dallas and Wayne, Biscarti and Rick Dyer.. Morgan says "Those narratives are on going, Dallas and Wayne are still out there doing the same thing and so is Tom and in a way I think because the conclusion with Rick was so significant, that it felt like that was the end of the journey." Morgan also says "The Bigfoot community is aware of what's suppose to happen because of Rick." Then goes on to say "I think for me as I was making the film,  it was important to not really let the audience know exactly what the conclusion was going to be and who it was going to... the drama if you like.. The conclusion that it was going to end up."

Holy crap! What?! Are you excited yet? Well, I am. And if you believe in Bigfoot, you should be to. More to come in the next blog. As the story unfolds. 

For up to date information on the REAL story behind the Documentary. Join https://www.facebook.com/rickdyerofficial  and http://bigfoottoday.com/